I just purchased a hosting plan. Now what?
The first step is to activate your account. Just Log-in through BreizhConcept.com and click on My Account. You’ll be asked to enter your customer number or username and your password.
Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a list of products. Select the gray box next to Web hosting then pick the account you want to activate. Next, click the Launch button for that account.
You just have a few more steps to go.
Click on the Enter domain box then type in the domain name or choose the name from the list.
Enter your own FTP username or select the one we suggest. Create and confirm your password, click Finish and you’re done!
After you’ve completed these steps, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours for your new account to be fully active. Once everything is up and running, we’ll send you an email with all of the account details.